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Alternative forms




From გო- (go-, preverb meaning around) +‎ ი- (i-, Impersonal mood marker) +‎ ნთხ- (ntx-, to stretch, to disconnect) +‎ -ენ (-en, suprapersonal present tense marker). From Proto-Kartvelian *ratx- : *rtx- (to stretch out; break, disconnect).


  • IPA(key): /ˈɡɔintʰxɛn/
  • Hyphenation: გო‧ინთ‧ხენ



გოინთხენ (gointxen) (Latin spelling gointxen) (VitseArkabi)

  1. to lie down
    Synonym: გოინდვენ (goindven)
    ნანაზ ჰანდღა დიდო დაჭკინუ დო მემსოჶას ა მციქა გოინთხენ
    nanaz handğa dido daç̌ǩinu do memsofas a mʒika gointxen
    My mom is very tired today and has been lying on the sofa for a bit
  2. to enlarge, to expand
    ჯუმაქ ღომა კუჩხემოდვალუჩქიმი მოიდუ დო მოდვალუ ხაჲი გოინთხუ
    cumak ğoma ǩuçxemodvaluçkimi moidu do modvalu xayi gointxu
    My brother wore my shoes yesterday, and the shoe expanded badly