- Indicates sixteenths in a fractional number: ৴৹ (1⁄16 or 1 anna), ৵৹ (2⁄16 = 1⁄8), ৶৹ (3⁄16), ৷৹ (4⁄16 = 1⁄4), ৷৵৹ (6⁄16 = 3⁄8), ৷৷৹ (8⁄16 = 1⁄2), ৸৹ (15⁄16)
Usage notes
[edit]The rupee sign is generally left off of fractional amounts: ১৲ (1 rupee), ১৷৷৹ (1 rupee 8 anna, or 1½ rupees). Usage is now largely obsolete, but books were priced to the anna (sixteenth of a rupee) in the early 20th century.