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Assyrian Neo-Aramaic



ܬ ܢ ܢ (t n n)
4 terms

Reduplicated verb denominal of ܬܸܢܵܢܵܐ (tinnānā)/ܬܸܢܵܐ (tinnā, smoke).


  • (Standard) IPA(key): [mətan.tɪn]



ܡܬܲܢܬܸܢ (mtantin)

  1. (intransitive) to smoke, emit smoke
    ܢܵܩܘܿܠܬܝܼ ܗܸܫ ܡܬܲܢܬܘܼܢܹܐ.My truck is still smoking.
    ܡܵܘܩܕܵܐ ܡܬܲܢܬܘܼܢܹܐ ܝܠܹܗ ܪܸܚܩܵܐ ܡ̣ܢ ܚܲܕ݇ ܡܝܼܠܵܐ.
    māwqdā mtantūnē ìlēh riḥqā min ḥa mīlā.
    The chimney is smoking from a mile away.
  2. (intransitive, figuratively, humorous) to smoke a cigarette, hookah, etc.
    Synonyms: ܫܵܬܹܐ (šātē), ܓܵܪܹܫ (gārēš), ܡܕܲܚܸܢ (mdaḥḥin)
  3. (transitive) to smoke food (preserve or prepare food for consumption by treating with smoke)
    ܘܵܠܹܐ ܠܘܼܟ݂ ܕܡܬܲܢܬܢܸܬ ܠܹܗ ܒܸܣܪܵܐ ܒܚܲܕ݇ܟܡܵܐ ܫܵܥܹ̈ܐ.
    wālē lūḵ d-mtantnit lēh bisrā b-ḥakmā šāˁē.
    You'll need to smoke the meat for several hours.


Conjugation of ܡܬܲܢܬܸܢ
gerund ܡܬܲܢܬܘܿܢܹܐ (mtantōnē)
verbal noun ܬܘܼܢܬܵܢܵܐ (tuntānā)
singular plural
passive participle m ܡܬܘܼܢܬܢܵܐ (mtuntnā) ܡܬܘܼܢܬܢܹ̈ܐ (mtuntnē)
f ܡܬܘܼܢܬܲܢܬܵܐ (mtuntantā)
agent noun m ܡܬܲܢܬܢܵܢܵܐ (mtantnānā) ܡܬܲܢܬܢܵܢܹ̈ܐ (mtantnānē)
f ܡܬܲܢܬܢܵܢܝܼܬ݂ܵܐ (mtantnānīṯā) ܡܬܲܢܬܢܵܢܝܵܬ݂̈ܵܐ (mtantnānyāṯā)
instance noun ܬܲܢܬܲܢܬܵܐ (tantantā) ܬܲܢܬܲܢܝܵܬ݂̈ܵܐ (tantanyāṯā)
singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
past m ܡܬܘܼܢܬܸܢ ܠܝܼ (mtuntin lī) ܡܬܘܼܢܬܸܢ ܠܘܼܟ݂ (mtuntin lūḵ) ܡܬܘܼܢܬܸܢ ܠܹܗ (mtuntin lēh) ܡܬܘܼܢܬܸܢ ܠܲܢ (mtuntin lan) ܡܬܘܼܢܬܸܢ ܠܵܘܟ݂ܘܿܢ (mtuntin lāwḵōn) ܡܬܘܼܢܬܸܢ ܠܗܘܿܢ (mtuntin lhōn)
f ܡܬܘܼܢܬܸܢ ܠܵܟ݂ܝ (mtuntin lāḵ) ܡܬܘܼܢܬܸܢ ܠܵܗ̇ (mtuntin lāh)
non-past m ܡܬܲܢܬܢܸܢ (mtantnin) ܡܬܲܢܬܢܸܬ (mtantnit) ܡܬܲܢܬܸܢ (mtantin) ܡܬܲܢܬܢܲܚ (mtantnaḥ) ܡܬܲܢܬܢܝܼܬܘܿܢ (mtantnītōn) ܡܬܲܢܬܢܝܼ (mtantnī)
f ܡܬܲܢܬܢܲܢ (mtantnan) ܡܬܲܢܬܢܵܬܝ (mtantnāt) ܡܬܲܢܬܢܵܐ (mtantnā)
imperative m ܬܲܢܬܸܢ (tantin) ܬܲܢܬܢܘܼܢ (tantnūn)
f ܬܲܢܬܸܢܝ (tantin)
passive past m ܡܬܘܼܢܬܢܸܢ (mtuntnin) ܡܬܘܼܢܬܢܸܬ (mtuntnit) ܡܬܘܼܢܬܸܢ (mtuntin) ܡܬܘܼܢܬܢܸܚ (mtuntniḥ) ܡܬܘܼܢܬܢܝܼܬܘܿܢ (mtuntnītōn) ܡܬܘܼܢܬܢܝܼ (mtuntnī)
f ܡܬܘܼܢܬܢܲܢ (mtuntnan) ܡܬܘܼܢܬܢܲܬܝ (mtuntnat) ܡܬܘܼܢܬܢܵܐ (mtuntnā)

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