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ه ض م (h ḍ m)
3 terms


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Etymology 1




هَضَمَ (haḍama) I (non-past يَهْضِمُ (yahḍimu), verbal noun هَضْم (haḍm))

  1. to break, to cut into
  2. to cut off in his right, to take away what is rightly owned
  3. to bear, to endure, to brook
  4. to digest

Etymology 2


Verbal noun of هَضَمَ (haḍama).



هَضْم (haḍmm (plural هُضُوم (huḍūm) or أَهْضَام (ʔahḍām))

  1. verbal noun of هَضَمَ (haḍama) (form I)
  2. digestion
    Near-synonym: اِسْتِمْرَاء (istimrāʔ)
    • 2018 June 12, “5 أسباب وراء الاضطرار لخلع الأسنان”, in Al-Bawwāba News[1], archived from the original on 14 June 2018:
      قال باسم سمير، استشاري الأسنان، أن البكتيريا النافعة المتواجدة في الفم، تعمل على تكسير مكونات الطعام وبالتالى الإسراع من هضمه، لكن إن زادت عن حدها تحولت إلى سوس يأكل في الأسنان.
      Bāsim Samīr, a teeth consultant, said that useful bacteria found in the mouth work towards the decomposition of food components and hence towards speeding up their digestion, but when they become too numerous they turn into caries that eats from the teeth.
  3. tolerance, forbearance
  4. depressed terrain, plain surface
  • Azerbaijani: həzm
  • Persian: هضم
  • Ottoman Turkish: هضم (hazm)
  • Uzbek: hazm


  • Dozy, Reinhart Pieter Anne (1881) “هضم”, in Supplément aux dictionnaires arabes[2] (in French), volume 2, Leiden: E. J. Brill, page 758
  • Freytag, Georg (1837) “هضم”, in Lexicon arabico-latinum praesertim ex Djeuharii Firuzabadiique et aliorum Arabum operibus adhibitis Golii quoque et aliorum libris confectum[3] (in Latin), volume 4, Halle: C. A. Schwetschke, page 395
  • Kazimirski, Albin de Biberstein (1860) “هضم”, in Dictionnaire arabe-français contenant toutes les racines de la langue arabe, leurs dérivés, tant dans l’idiome vulgaire que dans l’idiome littéral, ainsi que les dialectes d’Alger et de Maroc[4] (in French), volume 2, Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie, pages 1425–1426
  • Wehr, Hans with Kropfitsch, Lorenz (1985) “هضم”, in Arabisches Wörterbuch für die Schriftsprache der Gegenwart[5] (in German), 5th edition, Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, published 2011, →ISBN, page 1351