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See also: نعيم





Borrowed from Arabic نَعِيم (naʕīm).



Classical reading? na'īm
Dari reading? na'īm
Iranian reading? na'im
Tajik reading? naʾim



نعیم (na'im)

  1. delight; pleasure; luxury
    Synonyms: لذت (lezzat), نعمت (ne'mat)
    • 1258, Shaykh Muṣliḥ-ud-Dīn Saʿdī of Shiraz, translated by Wheeler M. Thackston, The Gulistan (Rose Garden) of Sa’di: Bilingual English and Persian Edition with Vocabulary, Bethesda, MD: Ibex Publishers, published 2008, →ISBN, page 89:
      هر روزی بشهری و هر شب بمقامی و هر دم بتفرج گاهی از نعیم دنیا متمتع.
      har rōzē ba šahrē u har šab ba maqāmē u har dam ba tafarruj gāhē az na'īm-i dunyā mutamatti'.
      Every day he is in a different city, every night he is in a different assembly, and every moment he enjoys the good things of the world from a different vantage point.
      (Classical Persian romanization)
  2. bliss of Paradise; (by extension) Heaven, Paradise
    Synonyms: بهشت (behešt), جنت (jannat)