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Ottoman Turkish


Alternative forms




Considered unknown, but probably by haplology from ككلیك اوتی (keklik otu, oregano, marjoram, literally partridge grass) since this denotes a spice in the same botanical tribe (Mentheae) and ككیك اوتی (kekik otu, thyme) translates as kəklikotu to Azerbaijani, along with a clipped form kəkotu. For the continuity of plant names derived from the name of the partridge bird in general, compare Proto-Slavic *arębina (partridge meat; rowan).



ككیك (kekik)

  1. thyme; Thymus vulgaris




  • Alkayış, Fatih (2007) “kekik”, in Türkiye Türkçesinde bitki adları [Plant Names in Turkish of Turkey] (in Turkish), doctoral thesis, Kayseri: T.C. Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, page 422
  • Kélékian, Diran (1911) “ككیك”, in Dictionnaire turc-français[1], Constantinople: Mihran, page 1032
  • Meninski, Franciszek à Mesgnien (1680) “ككیك”, in Thesaurus linguarum orientalium, Turcicae, Arabicae, Persicae, praecipuas earum opes à Turcis peculiariter usurpatas continens, nimirum Lexicon Turkico-Arabico-Persicum[2], Vienna, column 3987
  • Redhouse, James W. (1890) “ككك”, in A Turkish and English Lexicon[3], Constantinople: A. H. Boyajian, page 1558
  • Ayverdi, İlhan (2010) “kekik”, in Misalli Büyük Türkçe Sözlük, a reviewed and expanded single-volume edition, Istanbul: Kubbealtı Neşriyatı
  • Eren, Hasan (1999) “kekik”, in Türk Dilinin Etimolojik Sözlüğü [Etymological Dictionary of the Turkish Language]‎[4] (in Turkish), Ankara: Bizim Büro Basım Evi, page 227