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ق م ح (q m ḥ)
2 terms





قَمِيحَة (qamīḥaf (plural قَمَائِح (qamāʔiḥ))

  1. (archaic) anything that one swallows with a medicine, the pill it is contained in or an electuary
    • a. 1050, مروان بن جناح [Marwān ibn Janāḥ], edited by Gerrit Bos, Fabian Käs, كتاب التلخيص [kitāb at-talḵīṣ] [On the Nomenclature of Medicinal Drugs], Leiden: Brill, published 2020, →DOI, →ISBN, 882 (fol. 74v,10–12), page 1015:
      القمائح اسم واقع على جميع السفوفات، قال المؤلّف: في اللغة يقال اقتمحتَ الشيء إذا بلّغتَه من راحتك إلى فيك، والاسم القميحة.
      Al-qamāʾiḥ is a name that applies for medicinal powders in genere. The author: From the lexicographers: One can say iqtamaḥta al-šayʾ (“you ate something”) if you swallow it from the palm of your hand to your mouth. The noun is al-qamīḥa.

