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From Arabic سَخَّمَ (saḵḵama, “to blacken with soot”), may be related to obsolete صَخَمَ (ṣaḵama, “to burn, to scorch”).
صخم (ṣaḵḵam) II
- to blacken, to smudge (with soot)
- to tell off, to berate
- to ruin, to disgrace
صخّم الله وچّك- ṣaḵḵam Allā wiččak
- Shame on you! May the God blacken your face!
- to rape
صخّموها وبعدين قتلوها- ṣaḵḵamūha wbaʿdēn kitlūha
- They raped her and then killed.