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صاحب (sâheb, owner, lord, master) +‎ قران (qerân, astronomical conjunction): "Master of the Conjunction," a king whose success is foretold by astrological conjunctions at the time of his birth.



Classical reading? sāhiḇqirān
Dari reading? sāhibqirān
Iranian reading? sâhebğerân
Tajik reading? sohibqiron



صاحبقران (sâhebqerân)

  1. (historical) "Master of the Conjunction": a laudatory royal title, especially associated with the fourteenth-century warlord Timur.
    • c. 1520, Selim I of the Ottoman Empire, edited by Benedek Péri, The Persian Dīvān of Yavuz Sulṭān Selīm, Budapest, Hungary: Research Centre for the Humanities, Eötvös Loránd Research Network, →ISBN, page 75:
      صاحبقران ملک دلبری که هر زمان
      از تیغ غمزه فتح شده ملک دیگرش
      sāhibqirān-i mulk-i dilbarī ki har zamān
      az tēğ-i ğamza fath šuda mulk-i dīgaraš
      Master of the Conjunction of the realm of capturing lovers' hearts, for whom every time
      Another realm is conquered by the blade of her amorous winks.
      (Classical Persian transliteration)

Further reading
