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South Levantine Arabic

د ب ر س
1 term



From English depressed from Middle English depressen, from Old French depresser, from Latin dēpressus, perfect participle of dēprimō (to press down, to weigh down), from dē- (off, away, down, out) +‎ premō (to press).


  • IPA(key): /dab.ras/, [ˈdab.ras], [ˈdap.ras]



دبرس (dabras) Iq (present بدبرس (bidabres), active participle مدبرس (mdabres))

  1. to become depressed


Conjugation of دبرس
singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
past m دبرست (dabrast) دبرست (dabrast) دبرس (dabras) دبرسنا (dabrasna) دبرستو (dabrastu) دبرسو (dabrasu)
f دبرستي (dabrasti) دبرست (dabrasat)
present m بدبرس (badabres) بتدبرس (bitdabres) بدبرس (bidabres) مندبرس (mindabres) بتدبرسو (bitdabrsu) بدبرسو (bidabrsu)
f بتدبرسي (bitdabrsi) بتدبرس (bitdabres)
subjunctive m ادبرس (adabres) تدبرس (tdabres) يدبرس (ydabres) ندبرس (ndabres) تدبرسو (tdabrsu) يدبرسو (ydabrsu)
f تدبرسي (tdabrsi) تدبرس (tdabres)
imperative m دبرس (dabres) دبرسو (dabrsu)
f دبرسي (dabrsi)