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ط ب ق (ṭ b q)
13 terms



أَطْبَقَ (ʔaṭbaqa) IV (non-past يُطْبِقُ (yuṭbiqu), verbal noun إِطْبَاق (ʔiṭbāq))

  1. to close, to shut e.g(eyes or mouth)
  2. to cover, cover up e.g with one's hand [with على]
  3. to surround, to encircle, to encompass [with على]
  4. to come to an agreement [with على]
    • (Can we date this quote?), التمهيد لابن عبد البر 72/18 (at-tamhid):
      أطبق أهل التفسير من السلف على أن المراد بفطرة الله في الآية المذكورة هو دين الإسلام
      The people of exegesis from the predecessors have come to an agreement that the wanted meaning with regards to the Fitra of Allah in the aforementioned verses is that it is the religion of Islam

