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אַ ייִדישער טאַטע און זײַן זון זיצן מיט אַנדערע ייִדן אין אַ שול (A yidisher tate un zayn zun zitsn mit andere yidn in a shul, A Jewish father and his son are sitting in a synagogue with other Jews.)



Likely from a Slavic language, from Proto-Slavic *tata.





טאַטע (tatem, plural טאַטעס (tates), diminutive טאַטעלע (tatele)

  1. father, dad
    אונדזערע טאַטעס טרינקען קאַווע און שמועסן אויף ייִדיש.
    undzere tates trinken kave un shmuesn oyf yidish.
    Our dads drink coffee and chat in Yiddish.
    איך דאַרף רעדן מיט דײַן טאַטן.
    ikh darf redn mit dayn tatn.
    I must speak with your father.

Usage notes


This is one of the few nouns in Yiddish to inflect for case, becoming טאַטן (tatn) in the accusative/dative and טאַטנס (tatns) in the possessive.



Coordinate terms


Derived terms
