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בשלושה דברים אדם ניכר בכוסו ובכיסו ובכעסו

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From the Babylonian Talmud, Eruvin 65b:2. Literally “In three things man is recognized: in his cup, and in his pocket, and in his anger” (the three nouns sound similar in Hebrew), or in idiomatic English, “By three things a man is known: by his cup, by his pocket, and by his anger.” (i.e., by how he behaves when drunk, how generous he is with his possessions, and how he behaves when in a temper).



בִּשְׁלֹשָׁה דְּבָרִים אָדָם נִיכָּר: בְּכוֹסוֹ, וּבְכִיסוֹ וּבְכַעְסוֹ. (bishloshá d'varím adám nikár: b'khosó, uv'khisó, uv'kha'asó.)

  1. People reveal their true personality when influenced by drink, money, or anger.