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Middle Armenian


Alternative forms




From Arabic شَاطِل (šāṭil, a kind of mushroom)[1] or Classical Persian ساتل (sātil, a plant like a dry mushroom).



սատիլ (satil)

  1. a kind of mushroom


  1. ^ Abu Rejxan Beruni (1973) Izbrannyje proizvedenija. Tom 4. Farmakognozija v medicine (Kitab as-Sajdana fi-tibb) [Selected Works. Volume 4. Book on the Pharmacopoeia of Medicine] (in Russian), research, translation, notes and indexes by U. I. Karimov, Tashkent: Uzbek SSR Academy Press, § 593, page 567
  2. ^ Basmaǰean, K. Y., editor (1926), Amirtovlatʻi Amasiacʻwoy angitacʻ anpēt [Useless for Ignoramuses of Amirdovlatʿ Amasiacʿi]‎[1], Vienna: Mekhitarist Press, § 2976, pages 497, 752
  3. ^ Vardanjan, Stella (1990) Амирдовлат Амасиаци, Ненужное для неучей (in Russian), Moscow: Nauka, § 2633, page 402
  4. ^ Basmaǰean, K. Y., editor (1926), Amirtovlatʻi Amasiacʻwoy angitacʻ anpēt [Useless for Ignoramuses of Amirdovlatʿ Amasiacʿi]‎[2], Vienna: Mekhitarist Press, § 2419, page 416
  5. ^ Vardanjan, Stella (1990) Амирдовлат Амасиаци, Ненужное для неучей (in Russian), Moscow: Nauka, § 2107, pages 336, 715

Further reading

  • Greppin, John A. C. (1997) A Medieval Arabic–Armenian Botanical Dictionary (Studien zur armenischen Geschichte; 16), a separate print of Greppin 1995, Vienna: Mekhitarist Press, § 19, page 27