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From Old Armenian խռպոտ (xṙpot).





խռպոտ (xṙpot) (superlative ամենախռպոտ)

  1. (of a voice) hoarse, raucous


nominalized, i-type (Eastern Armenian)
singular plural
nominative խռպոտ (xṙpot) խռպոտներ (xṙpotner)
dative խռպոտի (xṙpoti) խռպոտների (xṙpotneri)
ablative խռպոտից (xṙpoticʻ) խռպոտներից (xṙpotnericʻ)
instrumental խռպոտով (xṙpotov) խռպոտներով (xṙpotnerov)
locative խռպոտում (xṙpotum) խռպոտներում (xṙpotnerum)
definite forms
nominative խռպոտը/խռպոտն (xṙpotə/xṙpotn) խռպոտները/խռպոտներն (xṙpotnerə/xṙpotnern)
dative խռպոտին (xṙpotin) խռպոտներին (xṙpotnerin)
1st person possessive forms (my)
nominative խռպոտս (xṙpots) խռպոտներս (xṙpotners)
dative խռպոտիս (xṙpotis) խռպոտներիս (xṙpotneris)
ablative խռպոտիցս (xṙpoticʻs) խռպոտներիցս (xṙpotnericʻs)
instrumental խռպոտովս (xṙpotovs) խռպոտներովս (xṙpotnerovs)
locative խռպոտումս (xṙpotums) խռպոտներումս (xṙpotnerums)
2nd person possessive forms (your)
nominative խռպոտդ (xṙpotd) խռպոտներդ (xṙpotnerd)
dative խռպոտիդ (xṙpotid) խռպոտներիդ (xṙpotnerid)
ablative խռպոտիցդ (xṙpoticʻd) խռպոտներիցդ (xṙpotnericʻd)
instrumental խռպոտովդ (xṙpotovd) խռպոտներովդ (xṙpotnerovd)
locative խռպոտումդ (xṙpotumd) խռպոտներումդ (xṙpotnerumd)

Derived terms



  • Azerbaijani: herpet

Further reading


Old Armenian


Alternative forms




From onomatopoeic խռպ- (xṙp-) +‎ -ոտ (-ot). The root is also found in Old Armenian խռպող (xṙpoł) and dialectal խռպել (xṙpel), խռպոզ (xṙpoz), խռպոն (xṙpon).



խռպոտ (xṙpot)

  1. (of a person) rough, coarse; large
    • 6th century, Philo of Alexandria, I linelutʻeann xndrocʻ ew lucmancʻ [Quaestiones et Solutiones in Genesim] 3.42:[1][2]
      [] որոյ ոչ խռպոտ եւ խիստ են բարքն, այլ յառաքինութիւն դիւրաւ գայ։
      [] oroy očʻ xṙpot ew xist en barkʻn, ayl yaṙakʻinutʻiwn diwraw gay.
      • Translation by Ralph Marcus
        [] and whose characters are not unpleasant and hard but easily give place to virtue and are submissive to right reason․
    • 16–17th centuries, Eremia Mełrecʻi, Baṙgirkʻ hayocʻ [Armenian Dictionary] Խ.300:[3]
      խռբոտ· խոշոր (var. խոժոռ; խոժոռ, կամ խոշոր)
      xṙbot· xošor (var. xožoṙ; xožoṙ, kam xošor)
      xṙbot = large
  2. (of a voice) hoarse, raucous
    • 6th century, Philo of Alexandria, Yałags naxaxnamutʻean [De Providentia II] :[4]
      Նոյնպէս եթէ ոք խռպոտ եւ պոռոտ եւ արտանուագ ձայն ունելով՝ երգել ձեռնարկիցէ []
      Noynpēs etʻē okʻ xṙpot ew poṙot ew artanuag jayn unelov, ergel jeṙnarkicʻē []
      • Translation by M. Awgereancʻ
        Similiter si quis raucisonus, horrisonus, ac melodiae expers praesumat canere []

Derived terms





  1. ^ Awgereancʻ, Mkrtičʻ (1826) Pʻiloni Ebrayecʻwoy mnacʻordkʻ i hays, or en Meknutʻiwn Cnndocʻ ew Elicʻ, Čaṙkʻ i Sampʻson, i Yovnan, ew yeris mankuns kam i hreštaks [Philonis Judaei paralipomena armena. Libri videlicet quatuor in Genesin, libri duo in Exodum, sermo unus de Sampsone, alter de Iona, tertius de tribus angelis Abraamo apparentibus], Venice: S. Lazarus Armenian Academy, page 211
  2. ^ Marcus, Ralph (1953) Philo: Supplement I: Questions and Answers on Genesis (The Loeb Classical Library), Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, pages 232–233
  3. ^ Amalyan, H. M., editor (1975), Baṙgirkʻ hayocʻ[1] (in Armenian), Yerevan: Academy Press, pages 148, 381
  4. ^ Awgereancʻ, Mkrtičʻ (1822) Pʻiloni Ebrayecʻwoy bankʻ erekʻ čʻew i loys əncayealkʻ. A. B. Yałags naxaxnamutʻean. G. Yałags kendaneacʻ [Philonis Judaei sermones tres hactenus inediti. I et II De Providentia, et III De Animalibus], Venice: S. Lazarus Armenian Academy, page 77

Further reading

  • Ačaṙean, Hračʻeay (1899) “Hayerēni bnajayn ew krknawor baṙerə (630 baṙi kʻnnutʻiwn) [Armenian onomatopoeic and reduplicative words (study of 630 words)]”, in Handes Amsorya[2] (in Armenian), volume 13, number 7, Vienna: Mekhitarist Press, page 205a of 202–207
  • Ačaṙean, Hračʻeay (1973) “խռպոտ”, in Hayerēn armatakan baṙaran [Armenian Etymological Dictionary] (in Armenian), 2nd edition, a reprint of the original 1926–1935 seven-volume edition, volume II, Yerevan: University Press, page 427a
  • Awetikʻean, G., Siwrmēlean, X., Awgerean, M. (1836) “խռպոտ”, in Nor baṙgirkʻ haykazean lezui [New Dictionary of the Armenian Language] (in Old Armenian), volume I, Venice: S. Lazarus Armenian Academy, page 987a
  • J̌ahukyan, Geworg (2010) “խռպ-”, in Vahan Sargsyan, editor, Hayeren stugabanakan baṙaran [Armenian Etymological Dictionary] (in Armenian), Yerevan: Asoghik, page 352b
  • Petrosean, Matatʻeay (1879) “խռպոտ”, in Nor Baṙagirkʻ Hay-Angliarēn [New Dictionary Armenian–English], Venice: S. Lazarus Armenian Academy, page 298a
  • Sargsyan, Artem et al., editors (2002), “խռպել, խռպոզ, խռպոն”, in Hayocʻ lezvi barbaṙayin baṙaran [Dialectal Dictionary of the Armenian Language] (in Armenian), volume II, Yerevan: Hayastan, page 368b