Old Church Slavonic
[edit]Alternative forms
[edit]- зѣло (zělo)
[edit]From Proto-Slavic *dzělo.
[edit]ѕѣло • (dzělo)
- very
- from Vita Methodii, 1100600-1100610:
- етеръ дроугъ богатъ зѣло и съвѣтьникъ ожени сѧ коупетрою своѥю, рекъше ꙗтръвью.
- eterŭ drugŭ bogatŭ zělo i sŭvětĭnikŭ oženi sę kupetroju svojeju, rekŭše jatrŭvĭju.
- A certain very wealthy friend and councilor of the Prince married his fellow godparent, that is, his brother’s wife.
- from the Homily against the Bogumils, 1945-1946:
- ѕело бо сѫтъ лѫкави крꙑѭще на дънѣ срьдьца мꙑсли своѩ.
- dzelo bo sǫtŭ lǫkavi kryjǫšte na dŭně srĭdĭca mysli svoję.
- for they are very cunning, and hide their thoughts in the depths of their heart.
- from Vita Methodii, 1100600-1100610: