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There are two theories for the etymology of this word; Vasil Zlatarski[1] and Mosko Moskov[2] agree that it comes from Proto-Turkic *tokuŕ (nine) +‎ -ем (-em), but Petar Dobrev[3] says it comes from Proto-Iranic Proto-Iranian *čaθwā́rah (four). So it means either the fourth or the ninth. Petar Dobrev's theory goes back to the Iranian-Bulgar theory. This is how Iranian words in the Danube Bulgar language are explained by this theory.



твирем (tvirem)

  1. (Danube Bulgar) ninth or fourth


  1. ^ Zlatarski, Vasil. 1918. Istoriya na balgarskata darzhava prez srednite vekove. Balgarsko letobroene (in Bulgarian)
  2. ^ Именник на българските ханове – ново тълкуване. М.Москов. С. 1988 г. § 80,70; 100,109.
  3. ^ “Inscriptions and Alphabet of the Proto-Bulgarians, by Peter Dobrev”, in (Please provide the book title or journal name)[1], 2006 September 6 (last accessed), archived from the original on 2012-06-09