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Old Church Slavonic


Alternative forms




From Proto-Slavic *sǫgubъ.



соугоубъ (sugubŭ)

  1. twofold, double
    • from Bulgarian Пчела:
      Аще что неправо еси сътвориль а потом се мниши оутврьдити сътворенное то соугꙋб кривинꙋ имаши.
      Ašte čto nepravo esi sŭtvorilĭ a potom se mniši utvrĭditi sŭtvorennoe to sugub krivinu imaši.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • from Vita Constantini, 1701100-1701110:
      Римлꙗне же не прѣстаꙗ идоуще къ нѥмꙋ и оупрашающе ѥго и сказанꙇе соугоубь и трьгоубь приимахѫ оть нѥго.
      Rimljane že ne prěstaja idušte kŭ njemu i uprašajušte jego i skazanie sugubĭ i trĭgubĭ priimaxǫ otĭ njego.
      And the Romans did not cease to come to him and question him. And they received double and triple explanations to their questions from him.

Derived terms



  • Бояджиев, Андрей (2016) Старобългарска читанка[1], София