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Clipping of the surname of the 2ch moderator Алексей Скуфьин (Aleksej Skufʹin), to whose countenance people were compared.





скуф (skufm anim (genitive ску́фа, nominative plural ску́фы, genitive plural ску́фов, feminine скуфы́ня or ску́фша, relational adjective ску́фский)

  1. (slang, neologism) an adult man, typically in his 30s or older, often balding and overweight, with poor hygiene and fashion sense, who spends the majority of his free time online, watching TV, or playing video games
    • 2023 August 4, “Обоссаные Дыни [Pissed Melons]”, Слава КПСС (lyrics)‎[1]:
      А я не скуф, я просто на массе творожной отрастил ляжки
      A ja ne skuf, ja prosto na masse tvorožnoj otrastil ljažki
      I’m not a fatso, I just grew thighs with cheese dough



Derived terms
