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Old Church Slavonic




From прѣ- (prě-) +‎ льсть (lĭstĭ), from Proto-Slavic *perlьstь (allure).



прѣльсть (prělĭstĭf

  1. deception
    • Ретъко, editor (1025±50?), “прѣльсть”, in Codex Suprasliensis[1] (in Old Church Slavonic), page (leaf) 268, line 10:
      и҅ видѣвъшоу е҅линъскѫѭ̑ о҅бь҆дръжѧщѫѭ̑ прѣль҆сть · начѧ о̑учити градъскꙑѩ҆ мѫжѧ глагол҄ѧ · ꙗ҅ко бози не сѫтъ ѩ҅же вꙑ мните и҅ имате и҅ чь҆те нъ коумири не могѫщии҆ вамъ помощи ·
      hi viděvŭšhu elinŭskǫjhǫ̑ obĭdrŭžęštǫjǫ̑ prělĭstĭ · načę ȏučiti gradŭskyję mǫžę glagolʹję · jhako bozi ne sǫtŭ jhęže vy mnithe i imathe i čĭte nŭ kumiri ne mogǫštii vamŭ pomošti ·
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  2. deceit
    • from the Life of Theodosius of Tarnovo:
      покла́нꙗти бо се нака́ꙁовааше доу́бꙋ, и ѿ нѥго исцѣлѥ́нїа прїе́мати. тѣ́мже и мнѡѕи овце иагньце та́мо жрѣ́хꙋ вѣ́роующе та́ковѣи прѣль́сти.
      poklánjati bo se nakázovaaše dúbu, i otŭ njego iscěljénia prijémati. tě́mže i mnodzi ovce iagnĭce támo žrě́xu vě́rujušte tákověi prělĭ́sti.
      Because he taught them to worship an oak tree, from which they could obtain healing. For this reason, they sacrificed many sheep and lambs at this tree, believing in this deceit.
  3. trick
    • from the Homily against the Bogumils, 274-275:
      не сѫтъ по воли божии творима чоудеса нъ диꙗволъ то творитъ на прѣльсть чловѣкомъ.
      ne sǫtŭ po voli božii tvorima čudesa nŭ dijavolŭ to tvoritŭ na prělĭstĭ člověkomŭ.
      The miracles did not take place according to the will of God, but it was the devil who did them to trick mankind.
  4. illusion



Derived terms


Further reading
