прости господи

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Literally "forgive (me) Lord".


  • IPA(key): [prɐˌsʲtʲi ˈɡospədʲɪ]



прости́ го́споди (prostí góspodi)

  1. (colloquial) (Lord) forgive me (for saying this) (used to express recognition of the rudeness or abruptness of something being said)
    Там да́же в алтаре́ валя́лись шпри́цы́ и презервати́вы, прости́ Го́споди!
    Tam dáže v altaré valjálisʹ šprícý i prezervatívy, prostí Góspodi!
    There were even syringes and condoms, Lord forgive me, lying around in the altar.
  2. (colloquial) (Lord) forgive me (for saying this) (used to express an ironic or sarcastic attitude to something being said)
    Э́та, прости́ го́споди, тео́рия не рабо́тает.Éta, prostí góspodi, teórija ne rabótajet.This, Lord forgive me, "theory" doesn't work.