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Old Church Slavonic




From Proto-Slavic *potъ (sweat).



потъ (potŭm

  1. sweat
    • from Vita Methodii, 0900800-0900820:
      философа потьна инъгда сърѣтъше людиѥ, рѣша ѥмоу; чьто сѧ потиши? дѣѥть онъ: съ гроубою сѧ чадью пьрѣхъ.
      filosofa potĭna inŭgda sŭrětŭše ljudije, rěša jemu; čĭto sę potiši? dějetĭ onŭ: sŭ gruboju sę čadĭju pĭrěxŭ.
      Once some people met a sweating philosopher and said to him: Why are you sweating? And he replied: I have been debating with crude people.

Derived terms
