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Old Church Slavonic




посмражати (posmražati?

  1. make stinky, pollute, defile
    • from the Homily against the Bogumils, 1594-1596:
      не бѫдѣте ꙗко ѵпокрꙑти посмражаѭтъ бо лица своꙗ да сѧ ꙗвѧтъ чловѣкомъ постѧще сѧ
      ne bǫděte jako üpokryti posmražajǫtŭ bo lica svoja da sę javętŭ člověkomŭ postęšte sę
      you must not be like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces so that their fasting may be known among men.