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Old Ruthenian

Old Ruthenian cardinal numbers
 <  17 18 19  > 
    Cardinal : осмъна́сте (osmnáste)

Alternative forms




Shortened from an earlier осмъна́десѧть (osmnádesjatʹ). Cognate with Old Czech osmnádste, osminádste, osmnádcte, osmnáste, osmnácte and Polish osiemnaście.



осмъна́сте (osmnáste)

  1. (dialectal) eighteen (18)
    Synonyms: осмъна́дцать (osmnádcatʹ), (archaic) осмъна́десѧть (osmnádesjatʹ), ·и҃і· (18)
    …коштовал осмънасте копъ грошей литовских…koštoval osmnaste kop hrošej litovskix(please add an English translation of this usage example)
    поеднал пан александэр пна волского ѡсмънасту сот коп гршpojednal pan aleksander pna volskoho osmnastu sot kop hrš(please add an English translation of this usage example)
    Поденщикомъ тремъ по гроши осемнастуPodenščikom trem po hroši osemnastu(please add an English translation of this usage example)

Further reading


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Bulyka, A. M., editor (2002), “осемнасте”, in Гістарычны слоўнік беларускай мовы [Historical Dictionary of the Belarusian Language] (in Belarusian), numbers 22 (оддыханье – ость), Minsk: Belaruskaia navuka, →ISBN, page 359


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Bulyka, A. M., editor (2002), “осмнасте, осмьнасте”, in Гістарычны слоўнік беларускай мовы [Historical Dictionary of the Belarusian Language] (in Belarusian), numbers 22 (оддыханье – ость), Minsk: Belaruskaia navuka, →ISBN, page 395