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 навушник on Ukrainian Wikipedia
лівий навушник (3)

Alternative forms




From на- (na-) +‎ ву́хо (vúxo) +‎ -ник (-nyk). Compare Russian нау́шник (naúšnik), Polish nausznik.


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наву́шник (navúšnykm inan (genitive наву́шника, nominative plural наву́шники, genitive plural наву́шників)

  1. (chiefly in the plural) earflap
  2. (chiefly in the plural) earmuff (garment to keep the ears warm)
  3. (chiefly in the plural) headphone, earphone, earpiece
  4. (chiefly in the plural) earmuff, ear defender (sound-deadening cup worn to protect the ears from loud sounds)
  5. headpiece, headstall (the part of a bridle that fits over a horse's head)
  6. (colloquial) eavesdropper, informer, telltale



Further reading
