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From a defective verb е- (e-) +‎ -кен (-ken), the root is from Proto-Turkic *er- (to be). Cognate with Kyrgyz экен (eken), Tatar икән (ikän), Uzbek ekan.



екен (eken)

  1. Evidential marker; gives the impression of surprise or indicates that the speaker didn't witness the action himself.
    Ол сені түсінбеген екен.Ol senı tüsınbegen eken.He didn't understand you, apparently.
    Жан өзенге барған екен, бірақ су суық екен.Jan özeñe barğan eken, bıraq su suyq eken.Zhan went to a river, apparently, but the water was cold.
  2. In interrogative sentences, it shows the speaker's interest.
    Кезектің соңы кім екен?Kezektıñ soñy kım eken?Who's last in line?
    Бұл оның күйеуі ме екен?Būl onyñ küieuı me eken?Is it his husband?