[edit]гъэуцун • (ğɛwucʷun)
- to place
- Томым псы егъэуцу
- Toməm psə jeğɛwucʷu
- Tom is placing water.
- Томым шъхьэхъор егъэуцу
- Toməm ŝḥɛχʷor jeğɛwucʷu
- Tom is placing the flowerpot.
- Томым ӏанэм псы тегъэуцо
- Toməm ʼanɛm psə teğɛwucʷo
- Tom is placing water on the table.
- Псы гъэуцу
- Psə ğɛwucʷu
- Place a water.
- to stop someone/something
- Гъэуцу
- Ğɛwucʷu
- stop it.
- Гъэуцуба
- Ğɛwucʷuba
- stop it already.
- Кӏалэм пшъашъэр къегъэуцу
- Kʼalɛm pŝaŝɛr qeğɛwucʷu
- the boy is stopping the girl.
- Кӏэлэр къэпгъэуцугъ
- Kʼɛlɛr qɛpğɛwucʷuğ
- you stopped the boy.
- Мащинэр къэсэгъэуцу
- Maśinɛr qɛsɛğɛwucʷu
- I am stopping the cat.
- Кӏалэр гъогум темыхьагъэу къэгъэуцу
- Kʼalɛr ğʷogʷum teməḥağɛwu qɛğɛwucʷu
- stop the boy before he goes on the road.
- Мэшӏокур къэсгъэуцушъущтэп
- Mɛšʷʼokʷur qɛsğɛwucʷušʷuśtɛp
- I will not be capable to stop the train.
- Кӏалэм пшъашъэр къыгъэуцугъ
- Kʼalɛm pŝaŝɛr qəğɛwucʷuğ
- The boy stopped the girl.
- Кӏалэм сомпыютэрэр къегъэуцу
- Kʼalɛm sompəjəwtɛrɛr qeğɛwucʷu
- The boy is stopping the computer.
- Полисым укъигъэуцущт
- Polisəm wuqiğɛwucʷuśt
- The police gonna stop you.
See also
[edit]- уцун (wucʷun) (intransitive)
- мэуцун (mɛwucʷun) (transitive)
- къэгъэуцун (qɛğɛwucʷun) (transitive)