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гъэделэн (ğɛdelɛn) (transitive)

  1. to fool, to deceive
    Кӏалэм лӏыр ыгъэделагъKʼalɛm lˢʼər əğɛdelağThe boy fooled the man.
    Ащ сигъэдели телефон убэтагъэ къысишагъsiğɛdeli telefon wubɛtağɛ qəsišağHe fooled me and sold me a broken mobile phone.
    ӏанэм иуасэмкӏэ сыгъэделэшъугъэпʼanɛm jiwasɛmkʼɛ səğɛdelɛšʷuğɛpI couldn't fool him with the table's price.
    Мо кӏалэхэмкӏэ нэӏэ тегъэт, уагъэделэни уи ахъщэ зэкӏэр къыпӏахыщтMo kʼalɛxɛmkʼɛ nɛʼɛ teğɛt, wağɛdelɛni wuji aχśɛ zɛkʼɛr qəpʼaxəśtTake care from those boys over there, they will deceive you and take all your money.
    Футболистым ипэ итэ къигъэдели блэкӏыгъFutbolistəm jipɛ jitɛ qiğɛdeli blɛkʼəğThe soccer player fooled the one that was in front of him and he passed him.
    Ахэр тыгъэделэхи якӏыбкӏэ къэтыубытгъэхAxɛr təğɛdelɛxi jakʼəbkʼɛ qɛtəwubətğɛxWe fooled them, and we caught them behind.

