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Old Church Slavonic


Alternative forms




въспѧть (vŭspętĭ)

  1. back
    • Death of Igor lines 1-38, from the Primary Chronicle:
      идуще же ємоу въспѧть размꙑсливъ рече дружинѣ своєи идѣте съ данью домови...
      idušte že emu vŭspętĭ razmyslivŭ reče družině svojei iděte sŭ danĭju domovi...
      Having come back (and) having changed his mind, he said to his retinue: Go home with the tribute...
  2. backward
    • 1581, Ostrog Bible, Genesis 9.23:
      І҆ и҆доста въспѧ́ть, и҆ покры́ста наготꙋ̀ ѿц҃а свое҆го,...
      I idosta vŭspę́tĭ, i pokrýsta nagotù otŭc:a svojego,...
      and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father;
  3. reverse
  4. return

