Old Church Slavonic
[edit]Alternative forms
[edit]- вьспѧть (vĭspętĭ)
[edit]въспѧть • (vŭspętĭ)
- back
- Death of Igor lines 1-38, from the Primary Chronicle:
- идуще же ємоу въспѧть размꙑсливъ рече дружинѣ своєи идѣте съ данью домови...
- idušte že emu vŭspętĭ razmyslivŭ reče družině svojei iděte sŭ danĭju domovi...
- Having come back (and) having changed his mind, he said to his retinue: Go home with the tribute...
- Death of Igor lines 1-38, from the Primary Chronicle:
- backward
- 1581, Ostrog Bible, Genesis 9.23:
- І҆ и҆доста въспѧ́ть, и҆ покры́ста наготꙋ̀ ѿц҃а свое҆го,...
- I idosta vŭspę́tĭ, i pokrýsta nagotù otŭc:a svojego,...
- and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father;
- reverse
- return
[edit]- зади (zadi)