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Old Church Slavonic




божьство (božĭstvon

  1. divinity
    • from the Homily against the Bogumils, 589-591:
      бо и въ лѣности живѫтъ правовѣрьнии попове ꙗкоже то вꙑ глаголѥте осѫждаѭще ѩ нъ божьства не хоулѧтъ ꙗкоже вꙑ
      bo i vŭ lěnosti živǫtŭ pravověrĭnii popove jakože to vy glagoljete osǫždajǫšte ję nŭ božĭstva ne xulętŭ jakože vy
      Even if orthodox priests lead idle lives, as you say when you condemn them, still they do not blaspheme the divinity as you do.





Further reading
