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  • IPA(key): /ˈjurka/, [ˈjurkä]
  • Rhymes: -urka
  • Hyphenation: Юр‧ка

Proper noun


Юрка (Jurka)

  1. A folk hero in Komi mythology, killed by the villagers of Madzha for stealing their cattle.


Declension of Юрка (stem: Юрка-)
singular plural
nominative Юрка (Jurka)
accusative I* Юрка (Jurka)
II* Юркаӧс (Jurkaös)
instrumental Юркаӧн (Jurkaön)
comitative Юркакӧд (Jurkaköd)
caritive Юркатӧг (Jurkatög)
consecutive Юркала (Jurkala)
genitive Юркалӧн (Jurkalön)
ablative Юркалысь (Jurkalyś)
dative Юркалы (Jurkaly)
inessive Юркаын (Jurkayn)
elative Юркаысь (Jurkayś)
illative Юркаӧ (Jurkaö)
egressive Юркасянь (Jurkaśań)
approximative Юркалань (Jurkalań)
terminative Юркаӧдз (Jurkaödź)
prolative I Юркаӧд (Jurkaöd)
II Юркаті (Jurkati)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Possessive declension of Юрка
First person singular
singular plural
nominative Юркаӧй (Jurkaöj)
accusative I* Юркаӧй (Jurkaöj)
II* Юркаӧс (Jurkaös)
instrumental Юрканам (Jurkanam)
comitative Юркаӧйкӧд (Jurkaöjköd)
caritive Юркатӧгым (Jurkatögym)
consecutive Юркаӧйла (Jurkaöjla)
genitive Юркаӧйлӧн (Jurkaöjlön)
ablative Юркаӧйлысь (Jurkaöjlyś)
dative Юркаӧйлы (Jurkaöjly)
inessive Юркаам (Jurkaam)
elative Юркасьым (Jurkaśym)
illative Юркаам (Jurkaam)
egressive Юркасяньым (Jurkaśańym)
approximative Юркаланьым (Jurkalańym)
terminative Юркаӧдзым (Jurkaödźym)
prolative I Юркаӧдым (Jurkaödym)
II Юркатіым (Jurkatiym)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Second person singular
singular plural
nominative Юркаыд (Jurkayd)
accusative I* Юркаыд (Jurkayd)
II* Юркатӧ (Jurkatö)
instrumental Юрканад (Jurkanad)
comitative Юркаыдкӧд (Jurkaydköd)
caritive Юркатӧгыд (Jurkatögyd)
consecutive Юркаыдла (Jurkaydla)
genitive Юркаыдлӧн (Jurkaydlön)
ablative Юркаыдлысь (Jurkaydlyś)
dative Юркаыдлы (Jurkaydly)
inessive Юркаад (Jurkaad)
elative Юркасьыд (Jurkaśyd)
illative Юркаад (Jurkaad)
egressive Юркасяньыд (Jurkaśańyd)
approximative Юркаланьыд (Jurkalańyd)
terminative Юркаӧдзыд (Jurkaödźyd)
prolative I Юркаӧдыд (Jurkaödyd)
II Юркатіыд (Jurkatiyd)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Third person singular
singular plural
nominative Юркаыс (Jurkays)
accusative I* Юркаыс (Jurkays)
II* Юркасӧ (Jurkasö)
instrumental Юрканас (Jurkanas)
comitative Юркаыскӧд (Jurkaysköd)
caritive Юркатӧгыс (Jurkatögys)
consecutive Юркаысла (Jurkaysla)
genitive Юркаыслӧн (Jurkayslön)
ablative Юркаыслысь (Jurkayslyś)
dative Юркаыслы (Jurkaysly)
inessive Юркаас (Jurkaas)
elative Юркасьыс (Jurkaśys)
illative Юркаас (Jurkaas)
egressive Юркасяньыс (Jurkaśańys)
approximative Юркаланьыс (Jurkalańys)
terminative Юркаӧдзыс (Jurkaödźys)
prolative I Юркаӧдыс (Jurkaödys)
II Юркатіыс (Jurkatiys)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
First person plural
singular plural
nominative Юрканым (Jurkanym)
accusative I* Юрканым (Jurkanym)
II* Юрканымӧ (Jurkanymö)
instrumental Юркананым (Jurkananym)
comitative Юрканымкӧд (Jurkanymköd)
caritive Юркатӧгным (Jurkatögnym)
consecutive Юрканымла (Jurkanymla)
genitive Юрканымлӧн (Jurkanymlön)
ablative Юрканымлысь (Jurkanymlyś)
dative Юрканымлы (Jurkanymly)
inessive Юркааным (Jurkaanym)
elative Юркасьыным (Jurkaśynym)
illative Юркааным (Jurkaanym)
egressive Юркасяньным (Jurkaśańnym)
approximative Юркаланьным (Jurkalańnym)
terminative Юркаӧдзным (Jurkaödźnym)
prolative I Юркаӧдным (Jurkaödnym)
II Юркатіным (Jurkatinym)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Second person plural
singular plural
nominative Юрканыд (Jurkanyd)
accusative I* Юрканыд (Jurkanyd)
II* Юрканытӧ (Jurkanytö)
instrumental Юркананыд (Jurkananyd)
comitative Юрканыдкӧд (Jurkanydköd)
caritive Юркатӧгныд (Jurkatögnyd)
consecutive Юрканыдла (Jurkanydla)
genitive Юрканыдлӧн (Jurkanydlön)
ablative Юрканыдлысь (Jurkanydlyś)
dative Юрканыдлы (Jurkanydly)
inessive Юркааныд (Jurkaanyd)
elative Юркасьыныд (Jurkaśynyd)
illative Юркааныд (Jurkaanyd)
egressive Юркасяньныд (Jurkaśańnyd)
approximative Юркаланьныд (Jurkalańnyd)
terminative Юркаӧдзныд (Jurkaödźnyd)
prolative I Юркаӧдныд (Jurkaödnyd)
II Юркатіныд (Jurkatinyd)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Third person plural
singular plural
nominative Юрканыс (Jurkanys)
accusative I* Юрканыс (Jurkanys)
II* Юрканысӧ (Jurkanysö)
instrumental Юркананыс (Jurkananys)
comitative Юрканымкӧс (Jurkanymkös)
caritive Юркатӧгныс (Jurkatögnys)
consecutive Юрканысла (Jurkanysla)
genitive Юрканыслӧн (Jurkanyslön)
ablative Юрканыслысь (Jurkanyslyś)
dative Юрканыслы (Jurkanysly)
inessive Юркааныс (Jurkaanys)
elative Юркасьыныс (Jurkaśynys)
illative Юркааныс (Jurkaanys)
egressive Юркасяньныс (Jurkaśańnys)
approximative Юркаланьныс (Jurkalańnys)
terminative Юркаӧдзныс (Jurkaödźnys)
prolative I Юркаӧдныс (Jurkaödnys)
II Юркатіныс (Jurkatinys)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.

See also



  • N. D. Konakov et al. (1999) Мифология Коми [Komi mythology] (Енциклопедия Уральских мифологий), ДИК, page 45




  • IPA(key): [jʊrˈka]
  • Hyphenation: Юр‧ко

Proper noun


Юркá (Jurkám pers

  1. genitive/accusative plural of Юрко́ (Jurkó)

