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From Proto-Iranian *kadā +‎ -δο (-do).[1]


  • (reconstructed) IPA(key): [kald] or [kalð]



καλδο (kaldo /kald/)

  1. when
    • 342 CE, Dated Document A (Corpus of Bactrian Texts), lines 1—2:
      ...καλδο νοβιχτο μο ολοβωστογο μαλο αβο μο ρωβαγγο ϸαρο αβιιοανδαγο σιδο στηβο ριζδο...
      ...kaldo nobikhto mo olobōstogo malo abo mo rōbango šaro abiioandago sido stēbo rizdo...
      ...when this marriage contract was written here in the city of Rob, in the borough which is called Steb...
  2. if
    • 681 CE, Dated Document Q (Corpus of Bactrian Texts), line 19:
      ...καλδο λαδο ναϸιιαμο...
      ...kaldo lado našiiamo...
      ...if we cannot give...

Usage notes



  1. ^ Sims-Williams, Nicholas (2000) Bactrian Documents from Northern Afghanistan (Studies in the Khalili Collection III, Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum II), Oxford: Nour Foundation in association with Azimuth Editions and Oxford University Press, page 197
  2. ^ Gholami, Saloumeh (2014) Selected Features of Bactrian Grammar (Göttinger Orientforschungen, III. Reihe: Iranica. Neue Folge; 12)‎[1], Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, pages 178—179