[edit]ʔux̌ʷ (transitive ʔux̌ʷc, uncontrolled transitive ʔux̌ʷdxʷ, causative transitive ʔux̌ʷtxʷ, first-person benefactive transitive ʔux̌ʷyic, additive & causative transitive bəʔux̌ʷtxʷ)
- to go
- ʔux̌ʷ čəd ɬubəq̓ʷic̓aʔ ʔə kʷi hud
- I'm going (out) to pack wood on the shoulder
- put ləʔəx̌id ləʔux̌ʷəs
- How wonderfully they would go!
- ʔuʔux̌ʷcəb
- He went after him
- ʔuʔux̌ʷcəb ti dbədaʔ
- They went to get my son
- ʔux̌ʷcəbəxʷ
- Go get it!
- to be, exist