- the same, in like manner; over there; like that
- x̌ʷul̕əxʷ ʔəsʔistəʔ
- only this kind
- ʔəsʔistəhəxʷ kʷi səhuyləp
- This is the way you folks will act.
- x̌ʷul̕ ʔəsʔistəʔ
- That's just how it was
- huy̓ud ɬi ʔəsʔistəʔ
- You folks do it like that
- ʔəsʔistəʔ kʷi tədəxʷʔuʔlabs
- This is the way they recalled (their adventure).
- ʔəsʔistəʔ tiʔiɬ tədəxʷsaʔil ʔə tsiʔəʔ sɬadəyʔ
- This is the way it was where this woman became bad.
- x̌ʷul̕ ʔəsʔistəʔ kʷədiʔ səsqʷattxʷyiti
- Only (stuff) like that was laid (out) for him.
- ƛ̕ub ʔəsʔistəʔ
- So be it.
- x̌ʷul̕əxʷ ʔəsʔistəʔ