[edit]Originally a compound, from an old third-person pronominal element *i- (whence also Latvian it, q.v.) and the (reflexive) pronominal element pats. An original u-stem *īpatus became īpats (“peculiar”) (more frequently īpatnējs), while a parallel i-stem form yielded īpašs (such pairs were frequent, sometimes suriving to the present day; cf. e.g. plats and plašs). The meaning has varied throughout time, from “its own,” “self” (17th century) to “s/he/it him/her/itself” (18th century) to finally the modern sense of “special” (19th century). Cognates include Lithuanian ypatùs (“special, peculiar, different”).[1]
[edit]īpašs (definite īpašais, comparative īpašāks, superlative visīpašākais, adverb īpaši)
- specific, independent (separate from others)
- viņam bija uzlikts tas pats ēdiens uz īpaša galdiņa ― he was served the same dish on a special table
- vārda dienā jau mēdz ierasties bez īpašas aicināšanas! ― people come on (one's) name day without special invitation!
- special, particular, specific (different from others, from usual)
- pievērst, veltīt īpašu uzmanību ― to pay special attention
- šī bija īpaša diena ― this was a special day
- vai kaut kas īpašs noticis? ― has anything special happened?
- viņa strādāja labi, ar īpašu dedzību ― she worked well, with special zeal
- specific, peculiar, unusual, unique, distinct
- Ārija parausta plecus tādā īpašā manierē, citas meitenes to neprot ― Ārija shrugs (her) shoulds in such a unique manner, the other girls can't do it
- katra laikmeta dzīve atklājas īpašos konfliktos, īpašos sižetos un tēlos ― the life of every era appears in (its) specific conflicts, in (its) speciic plots and characters
- tulkojumi ir īpašs literatūras žanrs ar savu specifiku ― translations are a distinct literary genre with its own specificities
- (adverbial form) especially, specifically, on purpose, deliberately
- Juzītis pats tikko esot te bijis, īpaši braucis no Rīgas, lai viņu apciemotu! ― Juzītis himself had just been there, (having) traveled from Riga specifically to visit him
[edit]masculine (vīriešu dzimte) | feminine (sieviešu dzimte) | ||||
singular | plural | singular | plural | ||
nominative | īpašs | īpaši | īpaša | īpašas | |
genitive | īpaša | īpašu | īpašas | īpašu | |
dative | īpašam | īpašiem | īpašai | īpašām | |
accusative | īpašu | īpašus | īpašu | īpašas | |
instrumental | īpašu | īpašiem | īpašu | īpašām | |
locative | īpašā | īpašos | īpašā | īpašās | |
vocative | — | — | — | — |
[edit]- (of "particular", "peculiar"): īpats, īpatns, īpatnējs, savdabīgs
- (of "specific", "distinct"): raksturīgs
Derived terms
[edit]Related terms
[edit]- ^ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “īpašs”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca[1] (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN