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6 terms



From Arabic خَبَّطَ (ḵabbaṭa, to knock).





ħabbat (imperfect jħabbat, past participle mħabbat, verbal noun taħbit)

  1. (transitive) to knock, to strike, to beat
    Ħabbat il-bajda u ifred l-isfar mill-abjad.
    Beat the egg and separate the yolk from the egg whites.
    • 2023, Nathan Anthony Pace, “Linja f’Laħmek”, in Glen Calleja,Clare Azzopardi, editors, Iż-Żmien Kurjuż taż-Żgħożija [The Curious Period of Youth], →ISBN, page 127:
      Indoqqlok il-qanpiena u nħabbat darbtejn.
      I ring your bell and knock twice.
  2. (intransitive) to beat, to throb (of heart, etc.)
    • 2009, Walid Nabhan, “Wiċċ Jitbandal f'Wiċċ l-Ilma”, in Lura d-Dar u Ġrajjiet Oħra li ma Ġrawx, →ISBN, page 59:
      Qalbi ħabbtet b’mod stramb.
      My heart throbbed in a strange way.
  3. (transitive) to whisk
  4. (transitive) to bother
    Nispera li m’iniex inħabbtek f’dal-ħin tal-ġurnata.
    I hope I’m not bothering you at this time of day.
  5. (transitive) to shake


Conjugation of ħabbat
singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
perfect m ħabbatt ħabbatt ħabbat ħabbatna ħabbattu ħabbtu
f ħabbtet
imperfect m nħabbat tħabbat jħabbat nħabbtu tħabbtu jħabbtu
f tħabbat
imperative ħabbat ħabbtu