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Old Tupi


Alternative forms




Cognate with Guaraní jevy.


  • IPA(key): [jɛˈβɨɾ], [ʒɛˈβɨɾ]
  • Rhymes: -ɨɾ
  • Hyphenation: îe‧byr



îebyr (first-person singular active indicative aîebyr, first-person singular negative active indicative n'aîebyri, noun îebyra) (intransitive)

  1. to return, to come back
    • 1687, João Filipe Bettendorff, “Primeira parte”, in Compendio da Doutrina Christãa Na lingua Portugueza, e Brasilica [Compendium of the Christian Doctrine in the Portuguese and Brasílica Language] (overall work in Old Tupi and Portuguese), Acto de Contrição, pages 28–29, column 2; republished as José Mariano da Conceição Vellozo, editor, Lisbon: Offic. de Simão Thaddeo Ferreira, 1800:
      XE iâr JESU Christo, Tupã eté, apayábetébé,[sic] xe monhangâra, xe pycyrõâma, ndéramo, nde recó recé, opacatú mbäe tetirüã acẽ rauçúba çoçé, ixé nde rauçúba recébé, aimboacŷ, aröirõ, xe pyá çüi' catú opabinhe xe recó angaipagoéra, nde nhëênga abyagoéramo cecóreme, anhenhonẽ,[sic] anhemombëú ipó coríne nde nhëênga aby iebypotarëŷma auieramanhé, nde cotŷ xerecoangaipagoéra nhirõaõâma recé aieruré ndébo, aierobiâribe nde ruguy imöetê pŷr eté recé, ndë rëõagoéra, nde poraraçagoéra sagrapŷreté recébe, cecé xe iecoçúbagoâmari.
      [Xe Îar Îesu Cristo, Tupãeté, apŷabeté bé, xe monhangara, xe pysyrõama, nderamo nde rekó resé, opakatu mba'e tetiruã asé raûsuba sosé ixé nde raûsuba resé bé, aîmboasy, aroŷrõ xe py'a suikatu opabinhẽ xe rekoangaîpagûera, nde nhe'enga abŷagûeramo sekóreme. Anhenonhẽ; anhemombe'u ipó korine nde nhe'enga abyîebypotare'yma aûîeramanhẽ; nde koty xe rekoangaîpagûera nhyrõaûama resé aîeruré ndebo; aîerobîary bé nde rugûy i moetepyreté resé, nde re'õagûera nde porarasagûera sagrapyreté resé bé, sesé xe îekosubagûama ri.]
      My Lord Jesus Christ, true God and man, my creator, the means of my salvation, for being who you are, also because I love you more than all and any things, I repent and wholeheartedly despise all my past sins, for having been a way of transgressing your word. I straighten myself; I will certainly confess myself today, for not wanting to return to transgress your word ever again; I ask you for your forgiveness for my past evils directed at you; I also trust in your sanctified blood and also in your sacred suffering of your death, to attain it [your forgiveness] myself.
    • 1687, João Filipe Bettendorff, “Dialogo I”, in Compendio da Doutrina Christãa Na lingua Portugueza, e Brasilica [Compendium of the Christian Doctrine in the Portuguese and Brasílica Language] (overall work in Old Tupi and Portuguese), Do que pertence á Fé, pages 58–59, column 2; republished as José Mariano da Conceição Vellozo, editor, Lisbon: Offic. de Simão Thaddeo Ferreira, 1800:
      Mbäe monhângâpe iande iâra JESU Christo ruiebŷri ybâca çüi' äéremene?
      [Mba'e monhangape Îandé Îara Îesu Cristo ruîebyri ybaka suí a'eremene?]
      For to do what Our Lord Jesus Christ will come back from heaven at that time?
    • 1687, João Filipe Bettendorff, “Dialogo II”, in Compendio da Doutrina Christãa Na lingua Portugueza, e Brasilica [Compendium of the Christian Doctrine in the Portuguese and Brasílica Language] (overall work in Old Tupi and Portuguese), Da Penitencia, e Confissão, page 95, column 2; republished as José Mariano da Conceição Vellozo, editor, Lisbon: Offic. de Simão Thaddeo Ferreira, 1800:
      Opacatu öemimombëuagoéra oiuraragoâiagoéra irúnamobé imombëú iebyrine; äânëŷme Anhànga ratápe ixóune.
      [Opakatu o emimombe'uagûera o îuraragûaîagûera irũnamo bé i mombe'uîebyrine; aane'yme Anhanga ratápe i xóûne.]
      We will return to confess everything we had confessed with our lies too; otherwise we will go to hell.




  • Nheengatu: yuíri

