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ça promet

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  • IPA(key): /sa pʁɔ.mɛ/
  • Audio (Vosges):(file)



ça promet !

  1. (informal) it's promising; that bodes well!
    Toujours à moitié à poil comme sa mère ! Ça promet !
    Always half naked like her mother! That's promising!
    • 1880, Paul Féval, chapter 9, in Le Fils du Diable[1], Legrand et Crouzet, page 275:
      Allons ! me dis-je, c’est le second chapitre du bal masqué. L’action marche… ça promet énormément !
      "Let us go!," say I to myself, "it is the second chapter of the masked ball. The action is working... it is enormously promising!

Usage notes

  • Often used ironically.


  • Dutch: dat belooft (calque)