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å- +‎ drahn.





ådrahn (past participle ådraht)

  1. (transitive) to turn off, to shut off (appliance, light, mechanism, functionality etc.)
  2. (transitive) to cut off the supply of something (originally referring only to water and gas supply which is shut off by closing a valve, later extended to power supply and figuratively flow of funds)
  3. (transitive) to abort something, to thwart, to discontinue something
  4. (intransitive, nautical) to veer
  5. (intransitive, aviation) to peel off


Conjugation of ådrahn
infinitive ådrahn
past participle ådraht
present past subjunctive
1st person singular drah å drahrad å
2nd person singular drahst å drahradst å
3rd person singular drahd å drahrad å
1st person plural drahn å drahradn å
2nd person plural drahts drahrats å
3rd person plural drahn å drahradn å
singular drah å
plural drahts å
Subordinate-clause forms of ådrahn
present past subjunctive
1st person singular ådrah ådrahrad
2nd person singular ådrahst ådrahradst
3rd person singular ådraht ådrahrad
1st person plural ådrahn ådrahradn
2nd person plural ådrahts ådrahrats
3rd person plural ådrahn ådrahradn