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Catalan Wikipedia has an article on:
Wikipedia ca
A crossroads in France (#1)
A cruise ship (#3)
A cruiser (#4)
Cathedral floor plan (crossing is shaded) (#5)



From creu (cross) +‎ -er.





creuer m (plural creuers)

  1. crossing, crossroads, intersection (an intersection where roads cross)
    Synonyms: cruïlla, encreuament
  2. (tourism) cruise (a sea or lake voyage, especially one taken for pleasure)
  3. cruise ship (a passenger ship used for pleasure voyages, where the voyage itself and the ship's amenities are considered an essential part of the experience)
  4. cruiser (a class of fast warships of medium tonnage, having a long cruising range but less armour and firepower than a battleship)
  5. (architecture) crossing, transept
  6. (construction) crossmember

Further reading
