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Contrast Adam of the Bible and Intelligent Creationist Theory


Adam the first man

  1. Created from dust and the hand of God Jehova on the 6th day - Creationist Theory from the Bible - Genesis the first book of the Bible.
    1. Footnotes: The first woman was created from a rib from Adam and she was called Eve - Creationist Theory from the Bible - Genesis the first book of the Bible.
    2. This is the basis of family and children and marriage not believed by the Evolutionist to be important. Evolutionist believe that man is god and man can do what he wants without any help from anybody especially GOD.
    3. The Bible is believed by the Creationist to be the first book written. The word Bible means Book or Word of God or Truth.
  2. Scientest now can show that every humand on earth had the same first ancestor. Mapping of the HUMAN Genome has proven this beyond anybodys scientific doubt.

Intellegent Creationist Theory result of trouble in Evolution Theory

  1. By contrast the Scientific Humanist Religion Believes in the Evolution Therory that man came from the Apes. Several Lies have been discovered in human skeleton remains from the evolutionist discoveries wherein animal jaws and other animal bones have been added to human bones to prove the theories of the Evolutionist. Huge debates in the Scientific world strive to debunk the Truth of the Bible. Scientist hold that the Big bang theory Accounts for the birth of the sun first and the earth second. The Bible holds that God created the earth first and the sun second. According to several scientific theories animals have no souls. Some Scientific theories do hold that humans have souls. The Bible says animals were created in Eden and ate vegies. The Bible holds that Man Adam Was Created in THE Image of GOD and with a soul. No animals were created in the image of GOD hense they have no souls. Man created his own problems with disobedience to god by sinning and eating the Apple offered by Satan the Snake who tempted Eve who tempted Adam.
  2. Biology and the mapping of the human geneome has led many scientest to start a new theory of Intelligent Creation Theory. ONE of the main questions no scientest can answer yet is the show me where there is a stepping stone in the human geneome from any animal to human geneome. Show any improvement in the human geneome to show man has evolved from any step to any step of improvement. Hense the Scientific sigh of relief with the intelligent creation theory. No need to recognize GOD. Just that something had intelligence to created the extreamly complicated human genome.



[Etymology From the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible.]

That's not its etymology, that's its origin as an English name.