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This Proto-Indo-European entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





From *h₃reǵ- (to straighten) +‎ *-éyeti (causative verbal suffix).



*h₃roǵéyeti (imperfective)

  1. to straighten, to make straight, to cause to be straight


Imperfective, thematic
3rd singular *h₃roǵéyeti
3rd plural *h₃roǵéyonti
Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
1st singular *h₃roǵéyoh₂ *h₃roǵéyom *h₃roǵéyōh₂ *h₃roǵéyoyh₁m̥
2nd singular *h₃roǵéyesi *h₃roǵéyes *h₃roǵéye *h₃roǵéyēsi *h₃roǵéyoys
3rd singular *h₃roǵéyeti *h₃roǵéyet *h₃roǵéyetu *h₃roǵéyēti *h₃roǵéyoyt
1st dual *h₃roǵéyowos *h₃roǵéyowe *h₃roǵéyōwos *h₃roǵéyoywe
2nd dual *h₃roǵéyetes *h₃roǵéyetom *h₃roǵéyetom *h₃roǵéyētes *h₃roǵéyoytom
3rd dual *h₃roǵéyetes *h₃roǵéyetām *h₃roǵéyetām *h₃roǵéyētes *h₃roǵéyoytām
1st plural *h₃roǵéyomos *h₃roǵéyome *h₃roǵéyōmos *h₃roǵéyoyme
2nd plural *h₃roǵéyete *h₃roǵéyete *h₃roǵéyete *h₃roǵéyēte *h₃roǵéyoyte
3rd plural *h₃roǵéyonti *h₃roǵéyont *h₃roǵéyontu *h₃roǵéyōnti *h₃roǵéyoyh₁n̥t
Participle *h₃roǵéyonts
Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
1st singular *h₃roǵéyoh₂er *h₃roǵéyoh₂e *h₃roǵéyōh₂er *h₃roǵéyoyh₂e
2nd singular *h₃roǵéyeth₂er *h₃roǵéyeth₂e *h₃roǵéyeso *h₃roǵéyēth₂er *h₃roǵéyoyth₂e
3rd singular *h₃roǵéyetor *h₃roǵéyeto *? *h₃roǵéyētor *h₃roǵéyoyto, *h₃roǵéyoyh₁o
1st dual *h₃roǵéyowosdʰh₂ *h₃roǵéyowedʰh₂ *h₃roǵéyōwosdʰh₂ *h₃roǵéyoywedʰh₂
2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
1st plural *h₃roǵéyomosdʰh₂ *h₃roǵéyomedʰh₂ *h₃roǵéyōmosdʰh₂ *h₃roǵéyoymedʰh₂
2nd plural *h₃roǵéyedʰh₂we *h₃roǵéyedʰh₂we *h₃roǵéyedʰh₂we *h₃roǵéyēdʰh₂we *h₃roǵéyoydʰh₂we
3rd plural *h₃roǵéyoror, *h₃roǵéyontor *h₃roǵéyoro, *h₃roǵéyonto *? *h₃roǵéyōror, *h₃roǵéyōntor *h₃roǵéyoyro, *h₃roǵéyoyh₁n̥to
Participle *h₃roǵéyomnos




  1. ^ Schumacher, Stefan, Schulze-Thulin, Britta (2004) Die keltischen Primärverben: ein vergleichendes, etymologisches und morphologisches Lexikon [The Celtic Primary Verbs: A comparative, etymological and morphological lexicon] (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft; 110) (in German), Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen der Universität Innsbruck, →ISBN, page 280
  2. ^ Friedrich Kluge (1989) “recken”, in Elmar Seebold, editor, Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache [Etymological Dictionary of the German Language] (in German), 22nd edition, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, →ISBN