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mit- +‎ Arbeiter


  • IPA(key): /ˈmɪtarˌbaɪ̯tər/, [ˈmɪ.taʁˌbaɪ̯.tɐ], [-taɐ̯-], [-tɐ-] (usual)
  • IPA(key): /ˈmɪtˌarbaɪ̯tər/, [ˈmɪtˌʔaʁ.baɪ̯.tɐ] (very formal or regional)
    • Audio:(file)


Mitarbeiter m (strong, genitive Mitarbeiters, plural Mitarbeiter, feminine Mitarbeiterin)

  1. person who works, together with others, in a particular business or institution; employee
  2. collaborator, person who works with others towards a common goal
  3. assistant, person who assists another person in a business
  4. staff member
    Dozenten und Mitarbeiterfaculty and staff

Usage notes[edit]

  • Mitarbeiter is a semantic false friend of English coworker: although it is made up of elements that mean "co-" and "worker", Mitarbeiter means something more like "employee", not quite "coworker" (which in German is Kollege): you would typically say that a Firma has several Mitarbeiter rather than that you (working at the firm) have several Mitarbeiter, whereas in English, you have coworkers at the company, the company does not normally have coworkers.



Derived terms[edit]

Further reading[edit]