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See also: 骑车


to ride (an animal or bike); to sit astride
vehicle on land; car; machine
vehicle on land; car; machine; to shape with a lathe
trad. (騎車)
simp. (骑车)
anagram 車騎车骑
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騎⫽車 (verb-object)

  1. to cycle (to ride a bicycle)
    路上坑坑窪窪騎車一不小心致命危險 [MSC, trad.]
    路上坑坑洼洼骑车一不小心致命危险 [MSC, simp.]
    Lùshàng kēngkēngwāwā de, qíchē de rén yībùxiǎoxīn jiù yǒu zhìmìng wēixiǎn. [Pinyin]
    Pot holes can be lethal for the unwary cyclist.
    北京春天適合騎車衚衕 [MSC, trad.]
    北京春天适合骑车胡同 [MSC, simp.]
    Běijīng de chūntiān hěn shìhé qíchē guàng hútòng. [Pinyin]
    Beijing’s spring is very suitable for cycling around the hutongs.

Further reading
