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opening; door; gate
opening; door; gate; doorway; gateway; valve; switch; way to do something; knack; family; house; (religious) sect; school (of thought); class; category; (taxonomy) phylum or division
cards; game pieces; signboard
cards; game pieces; signboard; plate; tablet
trad. (門牌)
simp. (门牌)






  1. house number plate
  2. street number; house number
  3. (Myanmar, colloquial) Burmese household residence registration
    • 2016 September 1, 羅正飛, “移民局為受到戰亂直接影響的民眾優先辦理門牌和身份證 自治區領導視察現場辦證情況”, in 果敢大眾網[1], retrieved 2023-12-16:
      據悉辦理門牌馬崩丁主要針對爛壩塘、扣塘、清水塘村寨戰爭影響民眾 [MSC, trad.]
      据悉办理门牌马崩丁主要针对烂坝塘、扣塘、清水塘村寨战争影响民众 [MSC, simp.]
      Jùxī, cǐ cì bànlǐ ménpái, mǎbēngdīng, zhǔyào zhēnduì Lànbàtáng, Kòutáng, Qīngshuǐtáng děng cūnzhài de shòu zhànzhēng yǐngxiǎng mínzhòng. [Pinyin]
      It is reported that the processing of household residence registration and identity cards is mainly for the war-affected people in villages such as Lanbatang, Koutang and Qingshuitang.

Derived terms
