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Kanji in this term

Grade: 1
Grade: 2
Grade: 2
Grade: 2
Alternative spelling
四海兄弟 (kyūjitai)



Based on a saying by Zi Xia in 論語 (Rongo, Analects of Confucius):

君子有禮四海兄弟君子兄弟 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
君子有礼四海兄弟君子兄弟 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: The Analects of Confucius, c. 475 – 221 BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
Jūnzǐ jìng ér wúshī, yǔ rén gōng ér yǒulǐ. Sìhǎi zhī nèi, jiē xiōngdì yě. Jūnzǐ hé huàn hū wú xiōngdì yě? [Pinyin]
If a gentleman is respectful without fail, and to others he is reverent and acts with propriety, within the four seas all men will be brothers [to him]. Why should a gentleman worry about having no brothers?



()(かい)(けい)(てい) (shikai keitei

  1. universal brotherhood

See also
