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From revolver +‎ -man.



revolverman (plural revolvermen)

  1. (uncommon) A person skilled in the use of a revolver.
    • 1987, Wiley M. Clapp, “Double Data” (chapter 12), in Dean A. Grennell, Wiley M. Clapp, Gun Digest Book Of Handgun Reloading, Northbrook, Ill.: DBI Books, Inc., →ISBN, →LCCN, page 149:
      For this unhappy circumstance, I must apologize to the legion of Dan Wesson fans and to the company. As serious revolvermen all know, Dan Wesson guns are fine firearms and shoot as well as anything that you can find. Sometimes, …well, they’re better.





Compound of revolver (revolver) +‎ man (man).



revolverman c

  1. Someone carrying a revolver (often a robber, murderer or similar).
    1. A gunslinger (an expert at quickly drawing it and firing).
      • 1870 January 22, “Kroͤnika [Column]”, in Stockholms Dagblad, page 2:
        Man talar mycket mer om Pierre Bonaparte, revolvermannen, och om den franſka riksdagen, hwilket bewiſar att wi werkligen höra til Europa och ej kunna undgå att interesſera oß för hwad ſom händer på det ſtora faſtlandet, på halföarne och äfwen i det britiſka öriket, "gröna Erin" inbegripen, men framför allt för det ſom pasſerar i grannſkapet af Seine, ware sig i lagſtiftande corpſens palats eller i en ſalong i Auteuil, ſtrax bredwid der Molière hade ſin malmgård.
        One speaks much more about Pierre Bonaparte, the gunslinger, and about the French parliament, which proves that we truly belong to Europe and cannot avoid being interested in what happens on the great continent, on the peninsulas, and even in the British island kingdom, "green Erin" included, but above all in what transpires in the vicinity of the Seine, whether in the legislative corps' palace or in a salon in Auteuil, right next to where Molière had his suburban estate.
      • 2024 June 27, “Kevin Costners nya film – epos som blir lite älgvandring [Kevin Costner's new film – an epic that turns into a bit of slow-TV]”, in Sveriges Radio:
        Kevin Costner spelar själv en hyvens revolverman och i hasorna har han ett gäng banditer och på de kringliggande bergen spejar apacher över vidderna.
        Kevin Costner plays an upright gunslinger, with a gang of bandits on his heels, and Apaches watching over the plains from the surrounding mountains.



