Wiktionary:Requested entries (Hittite)
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Place your requests below, in any form of transcription of cuneiform
[edit]- andra-, cognate with Serbo-Croatian модар, per Machek. Meaning was not mentioned, perhaps the same (blue).
- See 𒀭𒋫𒋫𒀭. I'll need to research a bit more, but madeō, μαδάω (madáō) and others are probably unrelated. --Ivan Štambuk 16:59, 15 May 2010 (UTC)
- -a (conj.) (geminating preceding consonant)/-ya (after vowel) ‘and; also’ (see Latin -que)12
- -a (conj.) (non-geminating)/-ma (after vowel) introduces new topic (see Greek δέ); ‘but’ (weakly adversative)
- arḫa ‘away, off’ (preverb), with some verbs (like warnu- ‘burn’) it denotes completeness (‘burn up’)
- atta- (ABU/ABI) (com.) ‘father’ (for the Akkadian case endings see §§31.19, p. 435) eku-/aku- ‘to drink’
- ēpp-/app- ‘to take, seize, grasp, hold; parā ēpp- ‘to hold out (toward someone)’ ēš-/aš- A ‘to be’
- ēš-/aš- B ‘to sit, reside’
- ēd-/ad- ‘to eat’
- e-ku-uz-zi (ekuzi) `drinks', 3. Pl. a-ku-wa-an-zi
- -kan (see below sub kuen-) karp- ‘to lift, raise’
- ke/iššara- (ŠU-(r)a-, Q TU) (com.) ‘hand’
- kuen-/kun- ‘to strike’ (without -kan); ‘kill’ (with -kan) (see §28.77, p. 372)
- kuer-/kur- ‘to cut’
- kunna- (ZAG-(n)a-) ‘right-(hand)’ (adj.)
- mān ‘if, whenever’ (in Old Hittite also ‘when’)
- natta ‘not’ (usually written as L or UL)
- paltana- (UZUZAG.LU-(n)a-) (com.) ‘shoulder’
- parā ‘forth, out’ (preverb)
- pada- (GÌR-a-) (com.) ‘foot’
- peran ‘before, in front of’ (postposition)
- pišna/i- (LÚ-(n)a/i-) (com.) ‘man, male person’
- šumeš ‘you’ (plural, nom.)
- takšan ‘together’
- walḫ- (GUL-aḫḫ-) ‘to strike, hit’
- walwa/i- (UR.MA -a/i-) (com.) ‘lion’
- warḫunu- ‘to make rough, bushy’
- wiyana- (GEŠTIN-(n)a-) (com.) ‘wine’
- -za (the “reflexive” particle) (see §28.16–28.42, pp. 357–364)
- zanu- ‘to cook, bake (something)’
- A.ŠÀ-(n)a- (com.) ‘field’
- DINGIR.MEŠ ‘gods’
- DUMU-(l)a- (com.) ‘child; son’
- DUMU.É.GAL-i- (com.) ‘palace official’ (pl. DUMU.MEŠ É.GAL) DUMU.MUNUS-a- (com.) ‘daughter’ (in this exercise, a baby daughter)
- GIŠGIDRU-a- (com.) ‘staff, stick’
- GÍR-a- (neut.) ‘knife’
- GIŠGÌR.GUB-iš(n)- = GIŠkuppiš(n)- ‘stool’ (§4.90, p. 120)14
- GIŠ.ḪI.A (neut. pl.) ‘trees’
- GUD ‘bovine, cow, steer’
- ḪI.A (pl. marker) (used almost exclusively with logograms, and then mostly with those referring to animals or inanimate objects)
- ḪUR.SAG-(r)a- (com.) ‘mountain’
- ÌR-(n)a/i- (com.) ‘(male) servant, (male) slave’ (also read as ARAD-(n)a/i-) IZI ‘fire’ (neut.)
- LÚ.KÚR-(n)a- (com.) ‘enemy’ (also used as an adj. ‘hostile, enemy’)
- MEŠ (plural marker) (used almost exclusively with logograms (such as ŠU.MEŠ ‘hands’, MUNUS.MEŠ ‘women’); sometimes inserted between components of a complex logogram, such as DUMU.MEŠ É.GAL or LÚ.MEŠ KÚR). See §1.14 (p. 14).
- LÚMUḪALDIM-a- (com.) ‘cook’
- MUNUS ‘woman’ (for its declension see §4.78, p. 113, and “Grammar” of Lesson 7). NINDA-a- (com.) ‘bread’; rarely in general sense ‘food’
- ŠAḪ-a- (com.) ‘pig’
- MÊ ‘water’
- -ŠU/SÚ (see §31.16, p. 434) ‘his, her, its’ (suffixed only to Sumerograms and Akkadograms, not to syllabically written Hittite words) -YA ‘my’ (suffixed only to Sumerograms and Akkadograms)