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Wiktionary:Phoenician entry guidelines

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Based on a table from w:Phoenician alphabet.

Letter Unicode Name Meaning Phoneme Romanization
Aleph 𐤀 alf ox (ʾ) ʔ '
Beth 𐤁 bet house (b) b b
Gimel 𐤂 gaml camel (g) ɡ g
Daleth 𐤃 delt door (d) d d
He 𐤄 he window (h) h h
Waw 𐤅 wau hook (w) w w
Zayin 𐤆 zai weapon (z) z z
Heth 𐤇 het wall (ḥ) ħ ḥ (or h)
Teth 𐤈 tet wheel (ṭ) ṭ (or t)
Yodh 𐤉 yod hand (y) j y
Kaph 𐤊 kaf palm (of a hand) (k) k k
Lamedh 𐤋 lamd goad (l) l l
Mem 𐤌 mem water (m) m m
Nun 𐤍 nun serpent (n) n n
Samekh 𐤎 semk fish (s) s s
Ayin 𐤏 ain eye (ʿ) ʕ '
Pe 𐤐 pe mouth (p) p p
Sadek 𐤑 sade hunt (ṣ) ṣ (or s)
Qoph 𐤒 qof monkey (q) q q
Res 𐤓 rosh head (r) r r
Sin 𐤔 shin tooth (š) ʃ š (or sh)
Taw 𐤕 tau mark (t) t t