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Wiktionary:About Old Galician-Portuguese

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Old Galician-Portuguese (also Galician-Portuguese, Old Galician, Old Portuguese) (language code roa-opt, previously roa-ptg) was a mediaeval Romance language spoken natively in the northwest of the Iberian peninsula, later expanding southwards to Algarve. It was also the preferred language of troubadourism in Iberia, alongside Old Occitan; as such, it is very well attested in the form of songbooks. Its direct descendant languages, as recognised by Wiktionary, are Portuguese, Galician and Fala.

What to include


Distinguishing between Latin and Old Galician-Portuguese


There is no consensus on how to classify texts, such as the Notícia de Fiadores and the Notícia de Torto, which feature characteristics of both Classical Latin and Old Galician-Portuguese.

Cutoff date between Old Galician-Portuguese and its descendants


Terms are considered Old Galician-Portuguese if they're attested in 1500 or before; words after 1500 are typically Fala/Galician/Portuguese instead, though exceptions may be made in rare cases.[1]




Elided forms


Elided forms are to be included.[2] The layout and page title of entries for elided forms is undecided.



Abbreviations should be included.

Verbs with clitic pronouns


Undiscussed. A discussion on the includibility of Portuguese terms containing clitics did not reach consensus.[3]

Spelling normalisation


As a general guideline, page titles of Old Galician-Portuguese terms should be normalised for typography, but not for orthography nor phonology. This does not apply to quotations, which should make use of typographical variants present in Unicode to represent the original text as closely as possible.

ſ vs s and vs r


ſ should be normalised into s and into r.

u vs v


In the past, u and v were merely different ways of drawing the same letter, with v usually being used word-initially and u word-internally and word-finally. In modern times they were reanalysed as different letters, with u being used for vocalic and semivocalic phonemes and v for consonantal phonemes. Consequently, the us and vs present in Old Galician-Portuguese texts should be normalised into u when used for [u] and [w], and into v when used for [β].

s- vs ss- and r- vs rr-


A few texts use ss and rr for word initial /s/ and /r/. Words following this practice should not be normalised, but added as alternative forms.

i vs y


i and y should not be normalised. In some texts, y or is used for /i/ where /j/ would be expected (following a vowel). In some later texts, it is used for coda /j/, a practice which remained common in Portugal for a long time.

, ĩ vs inn


Some sources normalise followed by a vowel into inn (such as farỹa into farinna). This reflects the development in standard Portuguese (farinha) and Galician (fariña) where it became [iɲ]. However, up to some point, words containing it were indeed pronounced with [ĩ], as is proven by its reflex in the Galician dialect spoken in the Asturias (faría).[4] Thus, they should not be normalised.

n vs ˜


Tildes being used to represent nasal vowels followed by another vowel should not be normalised. Spellings whose tilde is used as an abbreviation of n (such as for con and lĩnage for linnage) should be included as abbreviations, with the unabbreviated form lemmatised (even if not attested).

Appearance and placement of the tilde


In some manuscripts the tilde may resemble a macron (¯), or is placed to the right of the accented letter, appearing as though it were between the letters. These cases should be normalised, in compliance with the Unicode principle that “The Unicode Standard encodes characters, not glyphs.”.[5]



Only the accents present in the text should be used in page titles. Possible usage of ^ and ´ in alternative displays (similar to how macrons are used in Latin[6]), is so far undiscussed.



Mediaeval texts often used upper case somewhat randomly, following no orthographic convention. Old Galician-Portuguese words should be normalised so that only proper nouns begin with an upper case letter.





Freely available online resources



  1. ^ Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2023/November#Proper definition of when Old Galician-Portuguese ends and Galician/Portuguese starts.
  2. ^ Talk:amig'#RFD discussion
  3. ^ Wiktionary Talk:About Portuguese#Enclitics and mesoclitics
  4. ^ Xavier Frías Conde, O relativo do continuum entre galego e asturiano en Asturias
  5. ^ The Unicode Consortium, The Unicode Standard: Version 6.1 – Core Specification
  6. ^ WT:ALA